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Your Target Keyword is

Start writing with this keyword in mind and be sure to mention them once in awhile.

LSI Keywords Suggestion to be used in your content.

SEO Suggestion



Published Your Blog Post?

Now that you’ve written an optimized blog post, why not send a Press Release about it? You might be thinking, why Press Release?

“Why” is an excellent question and here’s the answer - Press Release is the best off-page SEO tactic around. I’ll explain how:

  • You can include links inside your press release, which will be distributed to hundreds of media outlets - giving you thousands of backlinks overnight.
  • It’s a totally white hat SEO strategy as the links will be hosted in news sites with actual traffic who reads and engage, not spam sites.
  • Your Press Release can be featured in Google’s “In The News” Section which is positioned on top of even the first search result.
  • Kickstart the traffic to your blog post by the wide media coverage provided by press release distribution.
  • Build authority and trust in your website by being featured in prominent news sites.

MarketersMEDIA is our choice press release distribution service as it brings the best coverage at the most affordable rates, perfect for SME.

Learn More